Thursday, January 28, 2016

It's been a productive day. I've started working more on my Facebook page as well as working hard on bringing back my Facebook Fan Page.

It's all been good and I'm excited at everything that's been going on today.

Tomorrow, I have a shoot with Stephanie. I've worked with Stephanie a number of times and we will be trying some new things tomorrow. What those are, I have no idea. HAHA

You see, I never have ideas when I go into any photoshoot. I've found over the years that when I do that, I start to have these mental blocks. It all becomes way too structured and that isn't the way I do.

The way I work is more fluid and I don't spend much time thinking about what I'm going to do. I feel it as soon as I pick up the camera. That's when all the ideas start flooding my imagination.

I don't worry about anything during a shoot because it happens automatically.

I do everything by feeling everything around me, I hate to describe it like this, but I feel the force. "George Lucas will probably punch me in the head knowing I said this."

As I continue to post, I'll describe all of it to you. At the moment, just "feel" what I am sharing with you.

Until next time....


You may be wondering where my posts prior to 2016 are. 

Well, there aren't any. I have to be honest. I was rather lazy before today. I figured my site, would be enough. That, along with my Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter profiles or pages would be enough to increase my visibility.

Well, it's not! Dang!

But, more than that, I just have a lot that I want to share about a variety of topics. Most of it being photography and things that I think about. 

Some of it may be informational, and I'll try to be each time I write. But, some of it will be observations I have made about things.

You may or may not agree with me and that's fine.

I welcome all suggestions and critiques or just comments, about anything. So, please don't ever feel you can't share your thoughts with me.

I love talking and communicating with people whether I work with them or not. You see, I'm not a know-it-all or will I ever claim to be.

I am just a person who happens to be a photographer. But, a photographer who truly loves what I do.

In my blog posts, I'll introduce myself further and you'll get to know who I am and what I'm about.

I'll tell you about my work, my subjects. How I go about doing things in my work and so on.

I'll share as much as I can with you.

So, this being my first blog post gets my feet wet so to speak.

I ask you to become part of my family of friends by subscribing to my blog.

Until my next post, check out my website: 

or follow me on my Facebook Fan Page:

or Twitter


Let me know what you think,
